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    WUSM held a Meeting for the Large-scale Equipment Platform Construction
    2018-04-09 12:04:17 来源: 点击数:

    Recently, WUSM held a meeting for large-scale equipment platform construction, mainly about issues relating to the purchase plan of large-scale equipment in 2018 and the construction of equipment sharing platform of Building 9. Shu Hongbing, Vice President and Dean of the Medical Research Institute hosted the meeting.

    Yu Xiangting, Executive Vice Dean of WUSM, stated that WUSM will further improve organizing and coordinating work. The next step is to set up an expert group for the large-scale equipment and to conduct unified management of shared equipment.

    Shu Hongbing pointed out that the equipment purchase should stick to the principles of no waste, high frequency of use, strong practicality, and full sharing. Meanwhile, the colleges should improve the construction of the experimental team, establish a sound and efficient mechanism for the use and sharing of equipment, and build a high-level scientific research service platform.(translated by Song Min, Wu Xia)

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