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    Renmin Hospital of WHU published an article in Nature, unravelling the mystery of why women are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease
    2022-04-07 12:04:32 来源:武汉大学人民医院 点击数:

    Author: Yang Cen

    Translated by: Cao Mi, Wu Xia

    On the morning of 3 March, Nature (Impact Factor 49.962), the top-tier international journal, published online the paper entitled FSH blockade improves cognition in mice with Alzheimer’s disease, with Xiong Jing, the deputy chief physician of the Department of Neurology in Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University as the first author. The research is the first in the world to reveal that follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is the reason why older women are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease, providing a new protocol for the early screening and intervention of the disease.

    Xiong Jing, the first author of the paper, has long been engaged in the basic research and clinical diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases in the Department of Neurology in Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University. Funded by China Scholarship Council in 2018, Overseas Training Program for Top-ranking Young Talents of Wuhan University, and Overseas Training Program for Young Talents of Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University in 2019, she delved into the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease abroad.

    Department of Neurology of Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University is a national key clinical specialty with a strong research team in neurodegenerative diseases, with prestigious experts such as Prof. Zhang Zhaohui, Prof. Zhang Zhentao, Prof. Wang Zhihao and so on. The focus of the team is on the pathogenesis and early diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Members of the team have published paper in NatureNature MedicineNature Structural & Molecular BiologyNature CommunicationsMolecular CellAdvanced ScienceScience AdvancesJournal of Experimental MedicineMolecular Psychiatry and other top international journals.

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