    The Notice for the Power and Water Cut at Family Member Residence Area
    2014-06-13 11:13:00 来源: 点击数:

    Due to the maintain of the distribution cabinet at family member residence area, there will be a power cut in May 27th and 28th. Those residents in the certain areas please be prepared for the power cut and to save water. We are sorry for all the inconveniences this might cause.

    The specific time and range of the power cut are as follows:

    1. May 27th , Tuesday,from 8:00-12:00 am

    Teaching Faculty Building No.5, No.6, No.8, No.9(including),No.10,No.11,No.12,No.14,No.15,No.18,No.20,No.21,No.22,No.23,No.27,No.28,commercial area,cafeteria,Agricultural Bank of China,pump house,elementary school,affiliated building No.5,No.6,and No.11.

    2. May 28th ,Wednesday,from 8:00-12:00 am

    Teaching Faculty Building No.2,No.5,No.7,No.19,No.24,No.25,No.26(including flat apartment),kindergarten,the old hostel,affiliated building No.4 and No.7.

    Thank you so much for noticing.

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