From October 9th to 15th, seven guests of the team WUMER(Wuhan University Medical Education Reform)of the University of Chicago came to Wuhan University to have teaching and exchange activities. The members of the team included experts in the fields like education, pediatrics, neurology, nosocomial infection, and the standardized training and management of resident doctors and so on.
During the period of one week, the experts from different disciplines carried out classroom teaching, teaching ward inspection, teaching case discussion, teachers’ teaching training, seminars and academic forums and other events in School of Basic Medical Science, First School of Clinical Medicine and Second School of Clinical Medicine separately. During these events, the experts evaluated WUSM’s reform on clinical medical teaching after listening to the teaching report given by related departments of WUSM, and also gave precious comments and suggestions on the foundation courses and clinical practice teaching of WUSM.
It is reported that WUSM has cooperated with the Universtiy of Chicago on clinical medical teaching since 2009, having all-around comprehensive reforms on curriculum, teaching method, evaluation system, etc, and setting up core curriculum Sino- American double directors system with the American directors coming regularly to WUSM to teach students, train teachers and discuss course construction.